VAF winners
International Festival of Animated Films, 7 - 12 May 2024, Czech Republic

VAF winners

Winners of the VAF

The Visegrad Animation Forum (VAF), the industry section of Anifilm, awarded its winning projects yesterday at the closing ceremony. The winner of the Short Film category is the French-Hungarian project entitled Carpel by the director duo Tibor Bánóczki and Sarolta Szabó. The Special Jury Award in the category went to the Romanian project Somewhere, directed by Paul Muresano.

In the TV Series category, the jury chose the Hungarian-Croatian project The Piracy of Princess Priceless by the director Flora Anna Buda and Mr. Balazs Turai. The Special Jury Award in this category was awarded to the Hungarian project entitled Borka and the Magic Dress by Beáta Gurmai.

Congratulations to all the winners!