Statut a pravidla



1/ The mission of the International Animation Festival – ANIFILM Třeboň is to preserve and develop cultural heritage of the Czech animation while focusing on sustainable development, popularization and publicizing of the animations as well as raising general awareness of the animation potential i.e. cultural, industrial and social development. The aim is to initiate and support intercultural cooperation, organizing of specialised seminars and workshops related to the area of animation.

2/ The organiser of the Festival is Anifilm ltd. and Civic Group for Support of the Animation seated in: Hradešínská 6, 101 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic, Phone/Fax: +420 257 534 646, E-mail:, Websites:

3/ 2nd International Animation Festival will take place in Třeboň from 3rd to 8th May 2011.

4/ Competition programme of the Festival includes:

4.1. International competition of animated feature films

4.1.1. for children (with minimum running time of 60 min)

4.1.2. for adults (with minimum running time of 60 min)

4.2. International competition of animated short films – International competition of animated short films made by professionals. Only films made after 1st January 2009 are accepted.

4.3. Czech-Slovakian Students Competition – competition of the short student films from Czech and Slovakian film schools. Only films made after 1st January 2010 can be accepted.

5/ All the films included in the Festival programme are screened in the original language with English subtitles which always have to be provided by the entrants.

6/ Unless negotiated otherwise, costs related to the transportation of the films, promotional materials and insurance costs from the country of origin to the Custom Office in Prague are the responsibility of the entrant. Costs related to the insurance of the film print against loss or complete or partial damage for the period after it is received by the Festival until its return to the delivery agent are the responsibility of the Festival. In case of damage or loss of a print during the Festival, the Festival is only responsible for the costs involved in making a new print based on the current laboratory rates for ordering a standard print. Complaints regarding the technical condition of the returned print must be filed at the latest one month after its receiving.

7/ The films are selected by specialists who form the Commission which is also a consulting body of the Programme Director. A film cannot be withdrawn from the programme of the Festival after it was officially approved by the producer and the world sales company.

8/ The International Jury will be comprised of prominent representatives of culture, film production, theory, criticism, as well as filmmakers and producers. For each of the competitive sections (competition of feature animated films and competition of short films), there will be a special International Jury. The Jury members must not have participated in the making of any film screened in the particular competition. All Jury members are sworn to secrecy. The President of the Festival, the Programme Director or their representative may attend jury deliberations but will take no part in the voting.

9/ The Jury will award the following prizes in this cathegories:

  1. Prize for The best animated feature film for family is joined with the financial award in the amount of 500 EUR

  2. Prize for The best animated feature film for adults is joined with the financial award in the amount of 500 EUR

  3. Prize for The best animated short film of the section „Kaleidoscope short“ is joined with the financial award in the amount of 500 EUR

  4. Prize for The best animated short film of the section „Czech-Slovakian competition of student films“ is joined with the financial award in the amount of 500 EUR

Financial reward will be equally divided between the director and the producer of the film. The Jury may also award a Special Appreciation and The Special Prize of the City of Třeboň.

10/ Accompanying programme of the Festival includes:

  1. Feature films made by Jan Švankmajer – thematic international presentation of the feature and short animated films. This year is section of Kaleidoskope dedicated to extensive retrospective of the well-known director Jan Švankmajer.

  2. Balance (Bilance) – presentation of the most popular international animated feature films which were in the Czech distribution last year.

  3. Focus – curated selections focusing on the specific cultural as well as pop-cultural phenomenon of current animation production: geographic, historiographic and thematic shows.

  4. Views (Pohledy) – a show of so called “films of fate” by a renowned author.

  5. AnimaSongs – between music, animation and New Media

  6. Work in Progress - the programme is aimed primarily at film professionals and is about to present currently emerging animations.

  7. Game day – program for film professionals aimed on the territory of animation and electronic entertainment. The aim is to support communication and cooperation between game and film industry. Programm is organized in the cooperation with the organization Czech games and MEDIA.

  8. Animation Workshops (Dílny animace) – animation and art workshops; these animation workshops will be conducted by experienced authors, teachers and students of film schools.

  9. Exhibition (Výstava) – the theme of the exhibition is related to animation. We would like this exhibition to be staged not only during the Festival, but for the whole summer in the city of Třeboň. This year is dedicated to Jan Švankmajer.

  10. Concerts, theatre and more

11/ Award-winners are expected to attend the Closing Ceremony and to mention the award as announced, nationally as well as internationally, in their publicity and promotional material.

12/ The President of the MFAF ANIFILM Třeboň makes decisions in case of unclear situations or cases unforeseen in these Regulations in conformity with the international regulations.

13/ Participation in the Festival implies agreement with the Regulations set out herein.




MFAF ANIFILM TŘEBOŇ Competition follows the Regulations and Competition Rules of the Festival. To be accepted to the competition, the film must fulfil following conditions:

  1. The film must have been finished after the 1st January 2009 – feature films and short films made by professionals. The film muse have been finished after the 1st January 2010 – Czech-Slovakian student competition.

  2. More than 50% of the duration of the film is animation with no limits as to the animation technology used.

  3. The registered film must not have been screened during previous years of the Festival.

  4. The films which may be accepted to all the competitive sections must be in good technical condition and meet following formats in the quality for the cinema screening.

  1. 35mm film print b) DCP c) Digital beta cam

d) Beta cam SP d) MPEG-2 f) MPEG-4 g) DVD

  1. Each film may participate only in one of the competitive categories.

  2. The films participating in the competition are selected by the Commission, see point 7 in the Regulations.

  3. Selected films will be judged by the International Jury, see point 8 in the Regulations.

  4. The decision of the Commission regarding the films selected to the competition will be announced on the 10st of April 2011 and the list will be available on

  1. Requested films have to be received by the Festival by 20th April 2011. The deadline must be respected. All the participants are bound to follow the rules related to the transportation of the film print.

10. The producer, who agree with the screening of his film on the festival must have the screening rights to the film and have a right to dispose with the film.

11. Together with sending the film are the obligatory attachments to the application: synopsis, press kit (if available), black and white photos of the film, photo of the director, director´s biography and filmography, dialogue sheet both in Czech and in English (if available).

12. By giving agreement to screen the film on the festival ANIFILM, the producer gives the company Anifilm ltd. the right for free usage of all the received photographical, graphical and textual materials to the film. The materials may appear as a part of the Festival Catalogue, websites or promotional materials with no limits as to territory, time, volume and way of usage.

13. All the materials listed in point 13 in Competition Rules will not be returned to the entrant.


In connection with agreement to screen the film on the festival producer agrees with procession of personal data based on Section 5 and 9 Act. N. 101/2000 Sb. and declares that all his above listed personal data are complete, correct and true. He also agrees with the conditions involved in the Regulations of the Festival and Competition Rules.

Prague, 30.1.2011